Tag Archives: Hospitals

Ruckus In The OR

operating room

Image via Wikipedia

It was a good ruckus at least. No one coded on the table or anything crazy. I just told my supervisor that I had gotten into med school.

All heck broke loose…

He gave me this huge grin and started going on about how he knew I’d get in. I laughed, thanking him for his help in getting in to see surgeries and just for being a great guy. He turned to the passing head nurse, whom I knew well having talked to her at length about my CNA experiences, and told her the news. She in turn started congratulating me and the cycle started anew. Now I thought that all but one person I think I need to tell knew now. Boy was I wrong…

My supervisor then jokingly told the head scrub nurse to make an announcement. I laughed thinking how crazy that would be…then she did it. Oh my god, word travels fast around a hospital! People I had only talked to in passing and talked briefly with over the last eight months were congratulating me when we passed that day. I was not ready for the back slapping, hand shaking, congratulating that I got when I delivered the last round of supplies with an order to run code checks on the mesh supplies cart in the central OR room hub.

The surgical services head, the man who showed me the OR on my first day volunteering there, upon hearing the news pulled me into a hug and was totally swept up with happiness and admiration. I’m touched by the outpouring of well-wishes and support that I have received from this hospital and the people who work here. I will never forget this sense of community that these people have. I will strive to do my best to cultivate the same relationships with all of my fellow med students, nurses, residents, or doctors that I come across.


Posted by on April 22, 2011 in Volunteer


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